Offshore Extension

Verbundene Lösungen

The offshore extension project, located in the Larvotto district, will expand the Principality of Monaco by 6ha. It will accommodate 60,000 m² of high-end structures, including the construction of eco-neighbourhoods and a harbour. The buildings will be surrounded by a park and a hill. This project represents a genuine environmental challenge. Launched in 2014, the project is slated for completion in 2025.

Auftraggeber SAM L’Anse du Portier
Standort Larvotto, Monaco-Ville, Monaco
Laufzeit 2014 - (2018)


Valode & Pistre architectes – Renzo Piano


Landscape architects

Michel Desvigne Paysage


Services provided

Project management for several engineering lots: structures and foundations

Seismic study of the entire district including the maritime infrastructures

Environmental impact assessment